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来源:北欧华人网 录入时间:23-07-29 08:54:26






Aimin Cui delivered a speech as follows
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,
Welcome to the Chinese embassy and to join us in celebrating the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.
In 1927, to fully achieve national independence and liberation, the Communist Party of China resolutely led an armed uprising, thus giving birth to a true people’s army. In the past 96 years, this heroic army has stood the test of numerous wars at home and abroad, learning about war from war, and gradually growing from small to large, weak to strong. It has become a strong force for safeguarding national security and development interests and for safeguarding world peace. Always upholding the purpose of serving the people, in the face of unprecedented epidemics and countless natural disasters, this heroic army has never been afraid of sacrifice and always advanced bravely, and has built great walls of steel to safeguard people’s lives and property.
Throughout the river of its long history, China has experienced prosperity and glory, but also suffered from war and misery. Especially since modern times, China was repeatedly invaded by foreign enemies and subjected to internal wars. The country was once poor and weak with its people displaced. Painful memories have given the Chinese people real experience, deep understanding and relentless pursuit of peace. Over the past more than 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we have always adhered to an independent foreign policy of peace, always been committed to the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the people of the world. We have made independent policies and stances based on the issues’ own merits, respected the right of countries to independently choose their own development paths and social systems, and explored a new path of country-to-country relations featuring dialogue and partnership rather than confrontation and alliance.
At present, the world has just emerged from the shadow of COVID-19, but is facing unprecedented and multiple crises and challenges. In the face of changes unseen in a century and complex international situation, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Security Initiative (GSI) in 2022, calling on countries to stay committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustaina
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