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来源: 录入时间:24-03-30 19:46:17



The College of Overseas Chinese is an independent second-level college established by WZU, responsible for the construction of disciplines related to overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese affairs research, expert training, social services, and other functions. It has an interdisciplinary field of overseas Chinese studies. The college fully utilizes the advantages of resources in Wenzhou’s overseas Chinese hometown, focuses on Europe, and carries out work in three major areas: overseas Chinese research, overseas Chinese education, and overseas Chinese culture.

The college has rich research and exchange platforms, including the first batch of national Chinese education bases under the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the Italian Research Center of the Ministry of Education, the Chinese Overseas Chinese Research Base (Wenzhou University), and the Chinese Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange Base. It is committed to promoting the excellence of Chinese culture, strengthening educational and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and providing a learning and exchange platform for the development of overseas Chinese, Chinese people of Chinese descent, and young people of Chinese descent.

As a characteristic base for cultural exchange between China and foreign countries, Overseas Chinese College not only focuses on academic research and knowledge transfer, but also pays special attention to the growth of Chinese students, committed to promoting the development of the new generation of Chinese students, helping them better understand themselves, and enhancing their cultural identity. As of now, the college has held more than 1250 online summer camps, Chinese Culture Park and other activities such as “Family Love in China: Telling Stories for You”, serving more than 50 countries, more than 300 overseas Chinese schools and more than 3 million visitors; since 1999, we have held 21 consecutive overseas Chinese youth summer camps, providing Chinese students with diverse cultural experiences and learning opportunities to enhance their understanding and love of Chinese culture.

The college has an excellent faculty and advanced teaching concepts, creating high-quality teaching resources and learning environment for students. The college actively cooperates with relevant institutions at home and abroad to carry out various cultural exchange

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